Tuesday, July 27, 2010

我最近都过得很不好,瘦了2kg 了

我很想问问他最近在做么?和他都接近一年了,说我和你性格不合为什么还要拖到我这样久让我更加的伤痛?为什么男生说一句性格不合就可以分?我真的比不上那个女生吗? 你还会信息我的吗?我都在看着电话?你真的放弃我了吗?我想念我和你去泰国,和怡保和过年都是我的回忆.
你做了选择 对的错的,我只能承认 心是痛的
怀疑你舍得 我被伤的那麽深,就放声哭了 何必再强忍
我没有选择 我不再完整,原来最后的吻 如此冰冷
你只能默认 我要被割舍,眼看著 你走了
如果着不是结局 如果我还爱你
如果我愿相信 你就是唯一
如果你听到这里 如果你依然放弃
那这就是爱情 我难以抗拒
如果这就是爱情 本来就不公平
你不需要讲理 我可以离去
如果我成全了你 如果我能祝福你,那不是我看清 是我证明 我爱你
灰色的天空 无法猜透
多余的眼泪 无法挽留
什麽都牵动 感觉真的好脆弱
被呵护的人 原来不是我
我不要你走 我不想放手,却又不能够奢求 同情的温柔
你可以自由,我愿意承受把昨天 留给我

Monday, July 5, 2010

Really seems to get back the feeling before, and now each have their own friends
what can i do now ,in fact, I really would my friend made into a first one.
Time slowly changed? All have grown up yet?
I really like a wake can not think of anything.Nostalgia for my friendship
If so I would like to point, and now the money is the most important
Now, it really seems to learn to make money,
seems to work in Singapore and also want to learn make-up how ?
That is as good in the future

Dad, Mom I will not let you disappointed,i hope you will support me .
Give me sometime.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

This my new life agian , i have to change my look agian !
got what style can change ?I am long time din't out dy, now i feelling want go shopping to buy many things :(
My birthday is coming , i so expect, still dunno want do steamboat or BBQ my friends can you give me answer ?? my mother said i am not good on this year so i could not cut the cake, so my friends I did not sing the birthday song loh . just cut cake only :)
hope i am invite friend ,will come thatday ya :)